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What is the Abbreviation for Minutes

Have you ever wondered what the abbreviation for minutes is? In this article, we will explore the commonly used English abbreviation for minutes and its significance. Let's dive in!

What Does \"Minutes\" Stand For?

The abbreviation for minutes is \"mins\". It is derived from the word \"minutes\" itself, which refers to a unit of time equal to 60 seconds. The abbreviation is widely used in various contexts to represent a short duration of time.

When is the Abbreviation \"Mins\" Used?

The abbreviation \"mins\" is commonly used in written and spoken English to save time and space. It is frequently seen in schedules, timetables, meeting agendas, and other time-related documents. For example, instead of writing \"Please arrive at the meeting room in fifteen minutes,\" you can simply write \"Please arrive at the meeting room in 15 mins.\"

Is \"Mins\" an Official Abbreviation?

While \"mins\" is widely accepted and understood, it is important to note that it is not an official abbreviation. The official abbreviation for minutes, as defined by various style guides, is \"min.\" However, in informal contexts, \"mins\" has become the preferred abbreviation due to its simplicity and ease of use.

Are There Any Other Abbreviations for Minutes?

Yes, there are a few other abbreviations that can be used for minutes, although they are less common. Some alternative abbreviations include \"m\" and \"min.\" However, it is essential to consider the context and audience when using these abbreviations to ensure clarity and understanding.


In conclusion, the abbreviation for minutes is \"mins.\" Although it is not an official abbreviation, it is widely used in both written and spoken English. So, the next time you need to refer to a short duration of time, remember to use the abbreviation \"mins\" to save time and space!

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