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论文中introduction写什么(Introduction What to Include in a Research Paper Introduction)

Writing an effective introduction is crucial for any research paper. It sets the tone for the entire paper and provides the reader with a clear understanding of the topic and the purpose of the study. In this article, we will explore the key elements that should be included in the introduction of a research paper.

Why is the introduction important?

The introduction serves as the gateway to your research paper. It is the first impression that readers will have of your work, and it plays a vital role in capturing their attention. A well-written introduction can engage the readers, make them curious about your research, and motivate them to continue reading.

What should be included in the introduction?

1. Background information: Provide a brief overview of the topic and its significance. Explain why the research is important and how it contributes to the existing knowledge in the field. This helps the readers understand the context and relevance of your study.

2. Research question or objective: Clearly state the research question or objective of your study. This helps the readers understand the specific focus of your research and what you aim to achieve.

3. Literature review: Summarize the key findings from relevant studies and highlight any gaps or controversies in the existing literature. This demonstrates your understanding of the current state of knowledge and positions your research within the broader academic discourse.

4. Methodology: Provide a brief description of the research methods and techniques you used. Explain why these methods are appropriate for your study and how they will help you answer your research question. This helps establish the credibility and validity of your research.

5. Scope and limitations: Clearly define the scope of your study and acknowledge any limitations or constraints. This helps manage the readers' expectations and ensures that they understand the boundaries of your research.

How to write an engaging introduction?

1. Start with a hook: Begin your introduction with an attention-grabbing statement, a thought-provoking question, or an intriguing anecdote. This will pique the readers' curiosity and make them want to learn more.

2. Keep it concise: Avoid unnecessary details and keep your introduction concise. Focus on providing the essential information that is directly relevant to your research.

3. Use clear and straightforward language: Write in a clear and straightforward manner to ensure that your introduction is easily understandable. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may confuse the readers.

4. Preview the main points: Give a brief overview of the main points that will be discussed in the paper. This helps the readers anticipate what they can expect from the rest of the research.


The introduction of a research paper is a critical component that sets the stage for the entire study. It should provide the necessary background information, clearly state the research question or objective, summarize the existing literature, explain the research methods, and define the scope and limitations. By following these guidelines and writing an engaging introduction, you can captivate your readers and make them eager to delve deeper into your research.

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